Advisers can still decide their own destiny

Here’s an intriguing question for you. Who are the principal agents of change – whether positive or otherwise – in the wonderful world of financial advice? To put it another way: who is coming up with the ideas that are reshaping how we lead our professional lives? And, by extension, who is determining how we…

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Advisers are anything but pawns in the tech game

I fancied myself as a bit of a chess player during my school days. I wasn’t exactly a grandmaster, but I took part in county-level tournaments. As was deemed cutting-edge back then, I sometimes practised with an electronic chess set. The youngsters of today would doubtless find that set hilariously primitive. I would guess it…

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Is regulation really all bad?

I know this is hard to believe, but I haven’t always been the easy-going, supremely cheerful, endlessly availing soul everyone rightly sees me as today. In the past, given what I felt was due cause, I could actually be quite cantankerous. Take my battle with what I perceived to be the dark forces of a…

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Why expectation management has never been more important

It’s very hard to do well at something – or even to enjoy it – without grasping the idea of expectation management. The reason is straightforward enough: expecting too much usually leads to disappointment and disillusionment. Most of us have probably experienced this in the course of our sporting endeavours. Let me quickly explain how…

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Advisers, succession and a failure to PREPARE

Financial advisers often devote relatively little thought to their own retirement. Given that they specialise in helping other people retire happily and in comfort, the irony of this oversight is pretty striking. It’s true that everyone thinks about retirement in some way, of course, and advisers are certainly no exception in that regard. Yet simply…

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How should advisers “think big”?

Back in the 1990s there was a cartoon series called Pinky and the Brain. It was co-created by none other than Steven Spielberg. The titular characters were two lab mice – the first an accident-prone goofball, the second a raging megalomaniac. The premise was neatly established by a brief exchange that prefixed every episode… Pinky:…

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Lifting the curse of the unhappy adviser

It seems reasonable to suppose our chances of finding happiness will increase if we work hard and earn well. I know this can’t be true, though, because I meet so many financial advisers who freely admit to being miserable. Sure enough, these individuals have put in the hours. Sure enough, they live pretty comfortably. But…

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Why robo-advice doesn’t have to be a threat

Remember the classic confrontation between man and machine in 2001: A Space Odyssey? Astronaut David Bowman is trying to re-enter his ship, but the vessel’s onboard computer, HAL 9000, refuses to let him in, famously telling him: “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” When Apple launched Siri, the “digital assistant” built into…

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The danger of the adviser/planner divide

Financial Adviser

Anyone who dabbles in philosophy is likely to come across the concept of logical fallacies. Those of us who aren’t quite Bertrand Russell material may think of these as arguments that simply don’t stack up. One of the most common examples takes the following form: “All X are Y, therefore all Y are X.” The…

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The adviser’s dilemma

Some years ago I played a round of golf with an accountancy undergraduate. We needn’t concern ourselves here with who won. What I remember most vividly – and you may think this says something about my performance on the day – is a discussion about business management. At one point I asked the undergraduate if…

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