Discover your Happy Financial Adviser score and increase your potential to be even happier by:

Seek to connect with more people

Desire freedom that independence can bring

Drive to make a positive difference

The financial adviser happiness test will only take around 10 minutes and is just a series of yes/no questions. The HappyScore aims to measure your current business position against our bench marked IFA lifestyle business and identify areas which could help you have a more financially rewarding and happier lifestyle. We see how you’ve scored in 6 key areas which include:


Your happiness leads to success and not the other way around. Having the right structure for your financial advice business defines the level of happiness you will attain


Your strategy is your business plan and needs to include an end goal. Start with the end in mind and ensure you have an exit plan too


Systems is all about connecting with more people and potentially more clients. To run an efficient financial advice business, you must engage with advanced technology systems


Financial advisers think their job is to turn a given sum of money into a bigger sum; spending too much time on fund selection, portfolio construction and management. This all eats into valuable time and can be left to a fund manager allowing you to spend time on more important matters


You need support from people who understand your business and can take the stress away so you can focus more time on clients and not on regulatory or generic administration


Preparing for retirement starts at the very beginning of your business and should be in your strategy. Your business plan needs to cover the short term, but also the long term too

Take the HappyScore

Are you a Happy Financial Adviser?


Contact details

01228 587 588
Atlantic House, Parkhouse, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 0LJ

Sign up for more info


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